As little girls growing up, you dreamed about “happily ever after”. I have asked about 200 women did you ever consider what that would look like to the man in your relationship. Not one of them had. In other words it was a self centered narcissistic fantasy.
Men also want “happily ever after” too. The difference is that for men it is a different thing from women. Men want romance but not women romance like flowers and chocolates and jewelry.
First off, happily ever after for men is getting sex willingly and lovingly from his woman. Happily ever after is a woman NEVER putting him down for his sexuality. It would be like him putting you down for having a period. Not fair. The same testosterone that causes his sex drive is the testosterone that he would willingly put his life on the line to protect you at all costs. So many women think of the protectiveness as noble but the sex drive is immature and selfish on his part.
Happily ever after for a man is a woman who is sexually adventurous in bed. One that would not have a problem talking dirty once in a while telling him in graphic terms what you want him to do to you. A woman who does not find the idea of giving him a blow job as disgusting. For your information, semen tastes very similar to your vaginal secretions. How would you like it if he did not want to go down on you because your taste is DISGUSTING. You would be mortified, admit it.
Happily ever after is a woman who willingly and lovingly wears lacy frilly lingerie for his pleasure. Your wardrobe is what you get admiration for in the world, what you wear under your clothes should be to get admiration and appreciation from your man. Don’t cheat him on this.
Speaking of lingerie, men love looking up a skirt or dress and seeing lacy frilly panties, ESPECIALLY if the woman does it on purpose. It is a huge compliment and boost to his ego. It costs you nothing, simply lose that false modesty and flash him all the time, especially when you get in and out of the car. I guarantee you that he will have no problem or forgetting to open the door for you if you reward him with a satisfying look up your skirt as a reward for his chivalry.
Don’t forget lacy bras, preferably worn under a semi sheer blouse.
Happily ever after for a man is a woman who takes the initiative for sex once in a while.
Happily ever after for a man is you telling him your fantasies and him telling you his and you guys being willing to give them to each other as long as it is not illegal, immoral or abusive.
Happily ever for a man is peace in his home with a wife who won’t abuse him by yelling at him but talking out differences maturely and willing to compromise.
Happily ever after for a man is a woman who always has his back and continues to be his best friend and confidante and that you NEVER disclose private conversations between the two of you.
Men’s number one need is not sex but respect. ALWAYS SHOW HIM RESPECT NO MATTER WHAT!
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